I understand the reason for and salute our founders for the first amendment, but there are times when it is pushed to the limit. Take an article in the Wall Street Journal about Sarah Palin's Alaskan reality show, for instance. There was the usual vitriol against her as so many people on both sides of the political aisle have such a profound fear of her. However, what 'got my goad' was a remark by a person who called themselves 'PalinLovah'. This person stated three words that forbid me to contain my wrath and embark upon a type of verbal orgy of slaughter, that should never be used. However, it was too late. The genie had been released from the bottle and the grotesque murder began. These three words have been a staple of elitist city-dwellers for decades and now seems to be a weapon of those who believe that those who are not like themselves need to be 'put down' as the phrase goes. These three words are 'trailer; park; trash'.
These words alone are innocuous. They depict ordinary objects in our lives, but placed together they conjure an image of people who are sub-human. Depictions which have been favored in many horror films of the last decade. They are political fodder and are the staple in the so-called comedy routines of the likes of Bill Maher. They are a moniker of a person who is unintelligent, rude, and filthy in the minds of those who hold such an opinion. These words describe people who live outside the cities of New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, D. C. and Chicago.
Not for nothin', but I have lived in trailers most of my life. I live in one as I write this article. This has included trailer parks where our most honorable Navy NCOs and Seaman have lived. So, PalinLovah (surely a leftist fascist masquerading as a Palin supporter) you can get hunted and stuffed yourself. The men and women veterans of the Armed Forces and of World War II, Viet Nam, and the Gulf War many who currently live in trailers have done nothing to deserve such disdain. If you weren't one of the San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago leftists who have dedicated themselves to destroying this country, then you wouldn't post such drivel; or, at least you would use your own name.
It seems to me that people like you started the movement that brought us such great hits as the Jim Crow laws, social security, and the current Administration. Those who espouse and teach the notion that those of color weren't American, much less human, and had to be raised to the level of humanity. You are of those ilk who support the misinterpretation of history to suit their own political ends, who project and impose their eugenic, fascist, atheistic notions, upon us all. Notions that have failed in the face of real evidence. The life and work of George Washington Carver comes to mind.
Sir or Madam, such notions are counter-American. Opposed to the ideals of individual responsibility, individual ingenuity, integrity, and innovation. I think you would be better off with those in Afghanistan and Iraq who wish to hold onto an ancient ideal that never was. Where women are disfigured or stoned for the accusation of adultery. Perhaps you would be more comfortable where the whims of sexually perverted and abusive men are law. Such as countries which allow marriage to and sexual relations with children. Yet, to those of your ilk, these in Afghanistan, Iraq, Thailand and other countries seem to be more noble in your eyes, than the poor in the USA.
This is my counter-strike against you and those who are of such an ilk in this country. It is the firing against the nation's domestic enemies as is my oath as a defender of the U. S. Constitution. It is what I can do before the rights of people of my ilk are taken away by the current Administration or perhaps the next. I am person who tries to find honor in all people; yet, find so many lacking, especially you. So I point, fire back, and hope that it helps rather than hurts the cause of freedom, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. The cause which created America in the first place.
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